京都大学 医学部附属病院 次世代医療・iPS細胞治療研究センター(Ki-CONNECT)早期医療開発科 大学院医学研究科 早期医療開発学

Kyoto University

Department of Early Clinical Development Graduate School of Medicine
Kyoto University Hospital
Department of Early Clinical Development
Kyoto Innovation Center for Next Generation Clinical Trials
and iPS Cell Therapy (Ki-CONNECT)

For Applicants for Admission

The Department of Early Clinical Development has doctors with abundant experience in planning and conducting early clinical studies (including doctor-led clinical trials). We will safely and quickly develop promising seeds for academia and companies on the unique platform of Ki-CONNECT.
We will respond to all diseases and adverse events in cooperation with all clinical departments by taking advantage of the strengths of Kyoto University Hospital, which provides advanced medical care.
In addition, we will support researchers in collaboration with the Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science (iACT), the Kyoto University Medical Science and Business Liaison Organization (KUMBL), Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd. (KYOTO-iCAP), etc. We provide a place where doctors can train staff in their know-how in early clinical development so that they can lead in early clinical development worldwide.
We will work closely with each patient with the aim of eradicating cancer and intractable diseases. Also, we will carry out medical development within an ecologically sound system in the future.
Recent graduation or experience in clinical/basic areas are not required. We are always accepting consultations such as tours. Please contact us by E-mail or phone.
We are mainly maintaining and managing the co-laboratory on the 2nd floor of iACT. What is more, we have a system in place to carry out translational research using various experimental equipment. Please contact us if you are interested in translational research associated with early clinical development.

Open from 8:30 to 17:00
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, and founding anniversary (June 18th)
TEL 075-751-4733
earlyclinical @kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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